Based on a true story, Bluebird explores the lifelong journey of a girl named Carrina, who has a homeless and alcoholic father. As the years pass from childhood to young adult, Carrina must make a decision to either continue to try and save her father or to let go and save herself.
Major Diamond Productions and Save The Details present
A Collaborative Production
Shea Teixeira
Adam Syd
Young Carrina
Claire Selling
Directed By
Jennifer Mae
Story By
Jennifer Mae
Screenplay By
Jennifer Mae & Ryan Osborn
Casting by
Jennifer Mae & Ryan Osborn
Director of Photography
Jennifer Mae
Executive Producers
Jennifer Mae & Ryan Osborn
Edited by
Jennifer Mae & Ryan Osborn
Sound By
Ryan Osborn
Sara Bareilles
Special Thank You
Gilroy Gardens
Lo Cost Liquor
Chris Watters
Sara B Music